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Timber cladding Blog

Treat Timber Cladding or allow to weather to a silver grey colour?

Posted: Nov 11 2017

Western red cedar cladding looks very attractive with its rich variety of colours giving a soft contemporary look. Once exposed to sunlight these colours gradually fade to a silver grey colour. The colour however can be retained by treating. We offer Sikkens WF771 which is particularly good for cedar as it allows the natural variation of colours to show through and is very easy to apply.

Cedar does however look great when weathered as seen in this picture and Cedar should last up to 40 years without treatment.  The choice is very much based on the design of the building, cedar looks best if it is considered as part of the overall design – treated or not.

We can also treat with Sioo which turns the timber a silver grey over a few weeks which helps avoid the sometimes patchy appearance of the timber when half way through the weathering process. Thos treatment also waterproofs the timber.

One other point to consideration is the timber cladding price, factory treating would cost an additional £15.00 per m2 and there are additional  periodical maintenance costs although this can be relatively straightforward. Untreated Timber Cladding should not require further maintenance costs.

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